Wednesday, January 28, 2015

a day in the life

Remember all those hats I wrote about. Well I think today I managed to wear them all, and sometimes several at once. 

BEEP BEEP BEEP.  Husband’s alarm going off at 6:45 am. Fall back asleep. Next alarm is at 7:00 am. Contemplate getting up. Fall back asleep. Wake in panic, and realize it’s only 7:06. Go pee. Get back in bed. Fall back asleep. Wake back up at 7:20 am and pester husband to get up and get going. Mumbles unintelligibly. Give up on him and get up. Contacts, teeth brushed and hair. Dig jeans from hamper and find a clean shirt. Get dressed. Contemplate getting back in bed. Check baby monitor at 7:45. Miles is now up. Go “rescue” baby from crib, change diaper and go downstairs. Pack for work, make coffee and wait for nanny. Nanny arrives just as daddy is about to leave. Watch Miles meltdown because daddy is leaving. Consider making a run while child is now distracted by Mickey Mouse (good thinking nanny). Go over any changes with nanny, give child kiss and leave living room. Meltdown number 2. Leave house while searching for car keys that are conveniently located in hand. Start driving and call sister, she doesn’t answer. Put Tay Tay on. Sister calls in middle of my new “jam”. Answer phone and continue to drive work while chatting away with sister.

Arrive at work at 8:58 am. Phew. Made it on time. Start with 9:00 am testing case. Finish around 10:30 am, take 9:45 am at 10:30 am and then the 10:45 at 11:00. Sigh. Contemplate walking out on job. Wonder if you can make it as a “hobo”. Grab 11:15 am testing case at 11:55 am. Realize you are starving. Finish testing at 12:45 pm. RUN to deli to get lunch. Inhale lunch. Take 1:00 pm testing case at 1:10 pm. Remember you still have to pee. Cross fingers you finish in a reasonable amount of time so you can leave and get home so nanny can go get her kid from school. Sigh again. Complete IQ testing in record time. On the road by 2:08 pm. Drive like a lunatic. Sing along horribly with Tay Tay. “Starbucks lovers”. Arrive home, get debriefed by nanny and take little man up for nap. Change out of work clothes and stare longingly at bed. No rest for the wicked. Head back downstairs to start on part-time job. Get distracted by gorgeous weather and camera equipment.

Come back in from outside and listen to Miles cry, as he has not yet fallen asleep and you didn’t put the monitor on. Whoops. Settle down at desk to finish up part-time work assignment for the month. Work for about an hour. Then do random crap, check emails, bank info, update tax BS, check Facebook, check blog stats. Stare off into space…

Realize its 5:00 pm already…rejoice that tonight is a leftover night and that you don’t have to cook. Swiznet. (I have gone psycho OCD on meal prep, more on that on a later date maybe. Check out my craziness.)

Stalk husband to see where he is. Oh look he’s in a field…jk that’s a CVS now. 

Clean up workspace. Edit blog post. Wonder what the f is taking husband so long. Contemplate a nap again. Realize baby is sleeping past allowed naptime (5:00 pm). Stare off into space. Research photography props (i.e. waste time on Pinterest). Contemplate starting Pinterest pages for blog and photography business. Use Facebook to try and market Valentine’s Daymini-session. No one has signed up yet. Cry in corner.

Yay, husband comes home. Heat up dinner and send him to fetch Miles. Eat dinner as a family. Hang out together and watch Sophia the First and Doc McStuffins. FaceTime with the fam in Ohio. “Ha-wee! Ha-wee!” (That’s Aria). Take the little man to bed. Come downstairs and watch Fallon from last Friday. Then watch New Girl and Mindy Project from who knows when. Banish husband to the upstairs. Watch Downton. Shower. Bed. Watch old episode of Modern Family. Fall asleep in 5 minutes.

What was your day like?

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