Tuesday, February 17, 2015

DIY color sorter

So if you are anything like me (slightly neurotic and a tad OCD) you may be prone to holding on to things or supplies. However, I'm not really sentimental with personal items. I think I have one small box of items from high school including photos, and I've even thought about getting rid of it because I have no idea what to do with the stuff. But I digress. 

Anywho...Miles LOVES those baby food pouches and big kid applesauce pouches. Like loves them loves them. Inhales them. It's a-dorable. You would think with the 3000 some pictures of him I would have one with him eating one of these pouches but...no. 

Within the last few weeks I've started collecting the lids. Why? I had no idea until today. I've keeping them in a jar by the sink. I should note that you should clean/rinse them before keeping. 

I decided to make a color sorter for Miles. This is obviously a "with supervision" toy as the caps are very small. I spilled out my lids to see what colors I had. 

As you can see there are FIVE colors. Red, yellow, green, blue and purple. But more on that later. I went around the house gathering supplies. I found this Christmas gift box in the spare room closet. 
I decided to cover the box to make it less
"Christmasy". I used some left over wrapping paper form our Valentine's day photo shoot. It is very difficult to wrap a box with the lid off. I also only could find blue painters tape so the wrap job looks less than perfect. I'm also not firing on all cylinders with this stupid cold. 

I used a piece of sturdy white paper to make the sorter. I covered the lid with paper so I can still use the lid and keep all the caps inside the box without fear of losing them. I used my hole punch to cut out FOUR holes and then I colored a ring around each hole and wrote the color name. Are you figuring out what happened yet? 

When I was coloring around the rings I realized that I had FIVE colors. Oh well,  I guess I will have to wait until I find a sixth color and make a new box. 

Tada! What toys have you made for your little ones?

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