Monday, February 23, 2015

lost sole

Up until Christmas Miles had one pair of shoes. The very first "real" shoes that we bought for him. A shiny pair of Stride Rite's that I dropped almost forty dollars on. For Christmas, my grandmother, Miles' Gigi, bought him a second pair of shoes from Carter's. They light up and everything but they aren't really "good walking shoes," they are more play shoes.

A few weeks ago we lost one of Miles' Stride Rite shoes somehow. Once I realized it I even went back to the last store we went to and checked the parking lot and asked the workers. No luck. I almost cried. These were the first shoes we bought Miles once it was clear that walking was imminent. There have only been a few things I've gotten sentimental about regarding Miles and "growing up". I was surprised at how hard this hit me. 

But alas, time to find some new, good shoes for Miles. When we were out and about I decided to go to Walking Tots last Friday since we were in the area after some mommy pampering. We spent maybe 30 minutes in the store and were helped by an associate and the owner (I can't remember their names). I learned a lot about good shoes for kids and why they are important. 

In the end I narrowed down my decisions to these two pairs of shoes.

I let daddy make the final decision and he picked the Sperry's. I think they are pretty awesome and was also told that they are "fly". I would have bought both pairs but wasn't really ready to drop $80 on shoes for my 16 month old.

Tonight though I packed up Miles' remaining Stride Rite shoe and placed it in the closet. Kind of like the end of an era. Tear. 

What got you misty eyed about your little one or ones growing up?

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