If you read my post on Monday then you know my pregnancy was not all glowing mama, big tummy and giddiness. It kind of sucked. But in the end I did get two great things out of the horrendous ordeal, besides my fantastic baby boy.
Great thing number one was, at least in my opinion, an even better relationship with my sister (you know, the one you keep hearing about). I truly believe that becoming moms has made our relationship stronger and better. I think it's safe to say, at least for me, she's my best friend. Becoming pregnant welcomed me to this whole new club with other women. Nothing is really out of the question, you can ask a woman basically anything and you will get an honest answer (if that's what you are looking for) or a boldface lie (if that's really want you want to hear). We share just about everything with each other, from the gross to embarrassing, and everything in between. And this goes for most of my other "mom" friends as well. As one of my girlfriends says "there is no such thing as TMI anymore." It's pretty awesome. I did have similar relationships with other friends, but sometimes there was still a line, but not with my sister. And I love her even more for it.
Now for great thing number two (and not just because she was sad she wasn't in Monday's post), my new(ish) friend Christy. We had known each other before becoming pregnant because she worked with my husband and when we still only had one car I spent A LOT of time at his office waiting for him to get off work. I'm not quite sure when things really changed, but we both found out we were pregnant at roughly the same time and our due dates were two days apart (after my doctor changed mine). Sweet! Someone close to me that I could go through pregnancy with. Luckily for us we had each other. We became battle buddies. If you thought my story was bad on Monday, parts of hers were way way worse, but I'll let her share if she wants. Since she worked with my husband we had the same dumb ass health insurance. Wait until you hear this, our insurance covered our generic Zofran medication, except with this caveat; we could have 30 pills every 27 days. Go ahead, try and wrap your head around that. So this resulted in us sharing some of our medications when we ran close to our refill dates. The best part of this disaster was one day way after having Miles, I was cleaning out the bathroom and I found the box of medication that she had given me when I was running low, so I took it back to her the next day. I really should have just saved it for Miles' baby book.
So there they are, the two best things (besides you know the actual baby) that came out of my horrible pregnancy. What unintended side effect did you have from pregnancy or becoming a parent? let me know in the comments. Happy reading!
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